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1. August 2019
Computer orders emptying
Aargauer Zeitung | 08/2019 | Aarau, Switzerland
Digital waste management has been tested for two months in the Reuss town of Bremgarten. The short time was sufficient to draw a positive conclusion already now. Thanks to the technology used, the container has to be emptied once or twice a month.
After having been the subject of much discussion in the town council and in the streets of Bourg-en-Lavaux, the new ecopoints in the town are about to become operational. These collection points will be buried, due to the UNESCO Lavaux landscape.
Switzerland Global Enterprise | 12/18 | Zurich, Switzerland
"Cultural differences are one of the biggest challenges in export". Michèle Villiger, member of the management board and responsible for worldwide sales, talks in an interview about success stories and the challenges in exports.
Waste is collected under the ground all over the area
Aargauer Zeitung | 11/2018 | Aarau, Switzerland
The municipality of Bremgarten is the first in the Freiamt to implement comprehensive waste disposal with underfloor containers. The aim is to save around CHF 35,000 per year with investment costs of CHF 600,000.
The collection of waste with underfloor containers already represents a distinct trend in Germany and Switzerland, which is being implemented in many cities. Salzburg is now the first municipality in Austria to start constructing a larger underground system - in the summer a vehicle from the underground specialist Villiger was purchased for this purpose.
In Salzburg, Austria's first noteworthy underfloor waste collection system is built. In the meantime, implementation has progressed so far that it is worth taking a look back to draw a summary of the introduction.
An temporary storage facility is being built near the Casino Park
Aargauer Zeitung | 08/2017 | Aarau, Switzerland
It is the first offer of its kind in the area of the old town of Aarau. The costs are estimated at around 25,000 francs. This will make it possible to dispose of the fee sacks in the city centre at any time, both manually and correctly.
The idea of using underfloor containers to make the garbage disappear underground immediately met with an enthusiastic response from those responsible at the Salzburg waste management company. But there was a lack of implementation at first. The acquisition of container systems and emptying cranes from the Villiger company has meanwhile produced an excellent result.
The company Villiger Entsorgungssysteme offers clean and compact disposal solutions for large settlements. Elegant underground systems easily replace dozens of wheeled containers. And the Quadromat press container system increases cost efficiency through high compaction, which drives disposal journeys.